SP Real Estate BLOG

Understanding Depreciation: When Does it Start and End?

Understanding Depreciation: When Does it Start ...

Depreciation is a crucial financial concept that can significantly impact your assets and taxes. This blog post explores when depreciation begins and ends, emphasizing that it starts when assets are...

Understanding Depreciation: When Does it Start ...

Depreciation is a crucial financial concept that can significantly impact your assets and taxes. This blog post explores when depreciation begins and ends, emphasizing that it starts when assets are...

What is a short sale?

Short Sales - Pros & Cons

A short sale is a type of real estate transaction where a property is sold for less than the outstanding mortgage balance owed on it. In other words, the lender...

Short Sales - Pros & Cons

A short sale is a type of real estate transaction where a property is sold for less than the outstanding mortgage balance owed on it. In other words, the lender...

The Tax Treatment of Canceled Mortgage Debt

The Tax Treatment of Canceled Mortgage Debt: Wh...

Discover the ins and outs of canceled mortgage debt and its tax treatment. This blog explores the history, exceptions, and key provisions in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) regarding canceled...

The Tax Treatment of Canceled Mortgage Debt: Wh...

Discover the ins and outs of canceled mortgage debt and its tax treatment. This blog explores the history, exceptions, and key provisions in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) regarding canceled...

Understanding Florida Foreclosure Laws: What You Need to Know

Understanding Florida Foreclosure Laws: What Yo...

Discover the ins and outs of Florida's foreclosure laws in our latest blog post. From the judicial foreclosure process to notice requirements, right of redemption, and deficiency judgments, we break...

Understanding Florida Foreclosure Laws: What Yo...

Discover the ins and outs of Florida's foreclosure laws in our latest blog post. From the judicial foreclosure process to notice requirements, right of redemption, and deficiency judgments, we break...

Green Home Investments: Unlocking Savings and Sustainability for Investors

Green Home Investments: Unlocking Savings and S...

Discover the financial advantages of investing in green homes, from reduced operating costs to increased market value and tenant demand. Explore federal and state tax credits and incentives for investors,...

Green Home Investments: Unlocking Savings and S...

Discover the financial advantages of investing in green homes, from reduced operating costs to increased market value and tenant demand. Explore federal and state tax credits and incentives for investors,...

What Is a Workout Agreement?

What Is a Workout Agreement?

Discover the lifeline for borrowers and lenders facing defaults. Explore the purpose, benefits, and considerations of workout agreements in our latest blog post. Learn how these agreements can help you...

What Is a Workout Agreement?

Discover the lifeline for borrowers and lenders facing defaults. Explore the purpose, benefits, and considerations of workout agreements in our latest blog post. Learn how these agreements can help you...